Unemployment in the WAEMU Countries: A Cross-Sectional Data Approach

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Mohamed Niaré
Ousmane Mariko


The aim of this article is to conduct an empirical evaluation of the microeconomic determinants of unemployment in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), controlling for inactivity. A multinomial logistic analysis has been conducted by using the Harmonized Survey of Household Living Conditions (2019) survey. Our results show that being female, single, young, disabled, and living in urban increases the risk of unemployment and inactivity. Furthermore, despite a higher incidence of unemployment among educated individuals, they are less likely to be inactive compared to those with no education. We also note that women with a university education are less affected by inactivity than men with the same level of education but remain more exposed to unemployment. In addition, age has a very limited influence on unemployment among men, unlike women, where it has a very significant amplifying effect. In addition, the negative effect of university education on unemployment is more pronounced in rural areas than in big cities. Finally, disability does not determine rural unemployment, unlike in urban areas, where it exacerbates it.

JEL codes: D63, J16, J64
Keywords: Unemployment, WAEMU, Cross-sectional data, Employment survey, Inactivity


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How to Cite
Niaré, M. and Mariko, O. (2023) “Unemployment in the WAEMU Countries: A Cross-Sectional Data Approach”, World Journal of Applied Economics, 9(2), pp. 113-124. doi: 10.22440/wjae.9.2.1.
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