World Journal of Applied Economics (WJAE) has been provided by the World Economic Research Institute (WERI) since June 2015. WJAE publishes peer-reviewed original articles based on quantitative research relevant to policy and theoretical analysis in economics and related fields. Submitted manuscripts are expected to have an explicit implication for specific economic problems. The journal also welcomes and encourages the submission of manuscripts based on negative results (i.e. empirical results that contradict theoretical expectations) provided that the analysis is exhaustive. 

Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process where only the high-quality ones, both in terms of theoretical background and accuracy of application, are selected. WJAE accepts original manuscripts in English for publication. Manuscripts can be submitted through the Journal's website. Submitted manuscripts should respect the content, structure, length and format conditions described in Author Guidelines. The Editorial Team will first consider manuscripts submitted to the WJAE to see if they meet the Journal'a minimum standards and scope. If the Editorial Team decides it does, the manuscript will go through a double-blind review process, where at least two anonymous reviewers will analyse it. Please refer to Review Policy for further details.

WJAE is published in two issues per year: One in June and the other in December. The Journal provides immediate open access to its content. Please see Copyright & Open access for details.

WJAE is indexed in EconLit, EBSCO, TRDizin, RePEc, EconPapers, CitEc, ResearchBib, Scilit and Google Scholar databases. Please visit Indexing for details.

Publication Type: Online open access
Publication Frequency: Biannual
Publication Language: English